On Wednesday, July 9th I took Ali Bug to go get her haircut.
It was a day of celebration!
Because for the past year she has not wanted to cut, trim or snip any part of her hair.
She was determined to grow it long and would give me much grief whenever I brought up the suggestion of going to get her hair trimmed.
Ali had a goal and stayed focused on this goal until the end.
What was her goal?
She wanted to grow her hair long enough to donate eleven inches to the Locks of Love foundation, that prepares wigs for cancer patients.
She grew her hair so long that she actually still had some hair left to get a cute new style for herself.
Ju Bean and I watched and took pictures of this great moment.
It was inspiring and made me so proud to see what she accomplished.
I think there is a message being birthed from what I witnessed in her eyes.
She completed what her heart set out to do and was lit up with joy in the process of giving a part of herself for a cause that means something to her.
I was so moved by watching her reach her goal - Way to go Ali!!!
And to think - I almost cut her hair while she was sleeping one night!
Just kidding!
Enjoy the photos of before and after!

Be inspired to dream big, reach your goals and to persevere till you accomplish the desires our Lord puts on your heart....You are never too young or too old, and it is never too late!
My Teen Rocks!
Proud Mom,
PS ~ Shortly after Ali donated her hair we got news that one of her friends (and our friends daughter) was beginning to go through a series of testing. While we were away at Kids Camp the week of July 12th -19th, sweet Caty Mayer was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma Cancer. I would appreciate your prayers for our friends ~ The Mayers (David, Courtney, Caty and Colin)...Be inspired by reading Caty's amazing story on her web page at www.caringbridge.org/visit/caitlinmayer
The Lord has been doing great things through this young life and is in the midst of something spectacular during this season He is guiding her and her family through...Stay Tuned for updates and celebrations!